Sunday, July 5, 2009

My second 4th of July in the US

Last 4th of July, thanks to I-Place in Claremont College, I attended the parade and watched the fireworks in Claremont. That was an amazing experience that I could see the real Independence day traditions in the States.

This year, thanks to Nick, several friends gathered in Santa Monica and had a wonderful BBQ party in Nick's house. I was really glad that Kazuma and Yoshi both could come and bring their families. Also, it made me happy that Edward and Julie joined us and we walked around the beach and shopping area. The weather was perfect. The food was home made (Nick-made) and really delicious(I love the chicken!) After not seeing all these friends for a while, it's a pleasure to play with everyone and having such a nice day together.

Thank you, Nick, for hosting the great party for us!
Happy Birthday to the United States!