Sunday, August 23, 2009

Claremont 真的是個很威的地方...

今天意外看到US News Best Colleges 2010的美國liberal arts colleges排名 連結在此:

結果證實Claremont Colleges裡面的學校各個都是赫赫有名的Liberal Arts 學校
所謂Liberal Arts College 根據US News的定義是
"The Nation's 266 liberal arts colleges emphasize under-graduate education and award at least half of their degrees in the arts and sciences. Most are private institutions."

這個ranking 中 全美前20名就有三間是Claremont Colleges (總共也才七間) 底下的學校
Pomona College - No. 6
Claremont McKenna College - No. 11
Harvey Mudd College - No. 14

簡單說 就是這個小小的Claremont City 其實是很威的
大家應該好好利用這邊其他學校的資源 以此共勉

Monday, August 3, 2009

OXford Program: Global Strategy & Trade

I Just finished the trip in Oxford, UK. This is a nice trip with all kinds of different experiences.
Although it's an interesting and fun trip, I did go there for a class: Global Strategy & Trade.

Many Drucker School senior students recommended this class to me, and after taking it by myself, I would like to recommend this class to everyone in Drucker School & CGU, too.

This class does not only open to MBA students in Drucker School, but also accept PHD students in CGU and, of course, EMBA students. This structure of students makes the program more diverse, and I appreciate it.

There are two professors and many guest speakers giving lectures during the two weeks in Oxford. We had either lecture from professor in the morning and guest speaker in the afternoon, or vice versa. The assignments were heavy but helpful, we needed to finish all the readings and writings before we arrived Oxford so that we can enjoy the time being there.

All the social events and tours arranged in Oxford were interesting. Although I could not understand the Shakespeare play, I did enjoy watching it. We visited Wembley Stadium and Mini car plant, and both were pretty informative and fun.

The best part is the interaction with classmates and professors. Every student stayed in the same dorm and we were all having the same schedule for classes, events, and meals. Thus, we could know everyone at the end and had closer relationship. I did enjoy knowing different people, especially when everyone is interested in Globalization.

Anyway, this is a really nice program that opened my eyes. The classes and speeches were from all different kinds of perspectives, and having class in Oxford is a totally different feeling from having class in Claremont. I strongly recommend everyone take this class if possible because I found it really valuable!