Sunday, August 23, 2009

Claremont 真的是個很威的地方...

今天意外看到US News Best Colleges 2010的美國liberal arts colleges排名 連結在此:

結果證實Claremont Colleges裡面的學校各個都是赫赫有名的Liberal Arts 學校
所謂Liberal Arts College 根據US News的定義是
"The Nation's 266 liberal arts colleges emphasize under-graduate education and award at least half of their degrees in the arts and sciences. Most are private institutions."

這個ranking 中 全美前20名就有三間是Claremont Colleges (總共也才七間) 底下的學校
Pomona College - No. 6
Claremont McKenna College - No. 11
Harvey Mudd College - No. 14

簡單說 就是這個小小的Claremont City 其實是很威的
大家應該好好利用這邊其他學校的資源 以此共勉

1 comment:

  1. my indian friend from harvey mudd is a brilliant guy~!
