Friday, August 8, 2008

The end of July, The beginning of August, 2008

During this period, I went to Angels Stadium, Huntington Garden, New Port Beach, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Magic Mountain, and Nan's party.

The night we went to Angels Stadium is Friday night, so we got the chance to see a very beautiful fireworks show. And of course, it is an exciting game, too!

The trip to Huntington Garden is by Nan, my previous group leader. The garden is unbelievably huge. There are both Chinese and Japanese gardens which are well constructed. We really felt like we were in Japan and China. In fact, I an thinking about join the membership of this garden so that I can go there often to enjoy the peace and silence there.

We went to New Port Beach with I-place. Everyone was crazy in that trip. I felt I have an old soul inside because I could not play as insanely as all the elder friends! However, I still got serious sun burn and had a lot of fun.

My cousin visited me on last week. We went to Hollywood, Santa Monica and Magic Mountain. I did my best to take her look around. I hope she enjoyed this trip, too. She even attended the party in Nan's house. All of my friends were kind to her and she kept chatting that night. I am really glad. Nan's house is very big and with a pool. We played in the pool and everyone became crazy again. I was thrown into the pool without swimming pants!

Anyway, the life here is really fun and full of interesting stories.
I enjoy a lot.

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