Sunday, August 31, 2008

Wonderful Summer Vacation - 2

My second trip in summer vacation is to San Francisco & Yosemite. This trip is totally different from Vegas one because the beauty of SF and Yosemite is so natural and healthy! 

We didn't get on the cable car. The reason is the cars are too crowded to get on and they didn't even stop for new passengers. However, these cable cars are really cute, so I must get on one of them next time!

Fisherman's Wharf is a famous place to go. Although, for me, it's not so special but there are many interesting performers on the street and the atmosphere is pretty good.

To park my car besides the steep street in SF is really a challenge. Of course, it's fun, too. I like this strange city with many many up & down hills.

The Golden Gate Bridge is very unclear when we visited since the weather was not good. Although we have heard that to see such a unclear Golden Gate in fog is not usual and we should feel lucky, we still hope we can see clearly. Maybe next time, ha!

Yosemite is a wonderful place to go camping. We stayed in tent and it really recalled my memory of boy-scout!  The air, rocks, lake and rivers in Yosemite are all very beautiful and quiet. 

This rainbow showed after we finally arrived the waterfall by tracking 2 hours. I found I need to train my body since I am getting old...

There are ten of our traveling partners. This trip became so terrific because of them. Especially the night before leaving, I really enjoyed drinking with them!  

This one is taken in Glacier Point. The background is very spectacular. We can see the track of the ancient glacier. It's an amazing place.

The trip to SF and Yosemite is so colorful that I really want to go these two places again. Also, I appreciate all the partners who travel together and help each other during these days. Thank you!

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