Monday, September 22, 2008

Start to worry about internship

The problem of getting a job finally showed up recently. 

If I am in Taiwan and seeking for a job in Taiwan, I will not worry too much about this issue Although I do not have much experience, I do have confidence in my ability. But finding a job in the US or even in Japan is totally different.

First of all, there is language problem. No matter how much I've improved since I got here(which is not much), my English is still way below an average level American. How is it possible to fix this problem before next summer? Furthermore, seeking chance to get job in Japan, I need to learn one more language of which I am really a beginner. I really should spend more time on language to be more capable for future.

Second, the problem is about experience. If I have lots working experience and outstanding performance which can be the evidence of my ability, the windows will still open to me even my language is not so perfect. However, experience is also my weakness, a huge one. I am glad I worked part-time before but those are not enough.

Anyway, I am a little depressed recently because of dealing with job fair and finding such little chance to succeed.

Good luck! To everyone and myself .

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