Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dodgers Stadium

Last Saturday, we went to Dodgers Stadium.  I was so happy that I can finally see a ball game in the US.  Maneul, who lived with Naoto, and his family are so kind that he bought the tickets for us, took us to have a Mexican lunch, and gave us beers before the game.  This family is just wonderful and kind.  His two kids are both cute and energetic, which made us a great day.

The sun was too strong that day.  I didn't even have a hat!  Anyway, I still enjoyed the atmosphere in the stadium, although we lost the game.  By the way, I saw 郭弘志 and he did very well.  We even got a group of Taiwanese encouraging him loudly.  I was so happy to hear that, "郭弘志 你好棒!" here.

At the end of the day, we went to Pasadena to go shopping and eating.  Thanks you Vicky!  The Japanese restaurant satisfied my Japanese classmates!  I am so proud of you. Ha!

It's good to go out with international students here.
We must go to more places to do more fun stuffs, right?
Thank you, my friends. Thanks for inviting me!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

"You should learn how to give up if you are a mature man", Lat Friends EP10

This is a quote from EP10 of the Japanese TV shows "Last Friends".

"You should learn how to give up, if you are a mature man".

This is exactly one of the things I must learn.

"Last Friends" is a very sad story.
I recommend it to everyone who enjoys sad stories.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The first party of IF program classmates !

Thanks to Yoshi couples !

I have never thought that I can drink beer with Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese at the same time in the same room!  The place is just great for us.  Yoshi is so kind that he invite all of the IF classmates to his apartment.  The food is impressive.  Thanks to the Japanese girls!  With so much delicious food, I am very very satisified.
It's a pity that two people can not attend this party, but we did have a good time.  Bo-hyung showed his pictures and Yoshi showed the video to us which make me feel we are really getting close now.  I enjoyed listening to Japanese classmates talking and trying to learn Korean or Japanese.  Although Zack and I represented the Taiwanese students, we are so unsimilar that no one can find a typical Taiwanese image.  Or maybe the typical Taiwanese image is just not exist...
Ryo is really like a older brother for me.  He shared so much and so honestly that I learned a lot during some normal conversation.  Watching Naoto, Ryo, or Bo-hyung talking is really fun.  Each of them has their own habbit while talking.  It is interesting even just watching and listening to their speeches.
Anyway, thanks for everyone there.  I am so glad that I got so many new friends from other countries.  And it's my pleasure to know all of you.  It is so amazing that we can get along well without any problem!  I appreciate all of you that regard me as your friend.  This is a great dinner with lots of laughs.
Thanks for all three girls who prepare the food. Thanks for Yoshi couple who use their own apartment as the place for party.  Thank you all !

Monday, June 16, 2008

Difficult to Improve

I found it is so hard to improve my English.
Even I speak in English all day, mine vacabulary is still so limited...

The assignments do help, but most of them are not for vocabulary, which I can only increase by reading a lot and looking up in dictionary.

Although it is obvious that language can never be improved so fast, after trying to speak out during the case discussion with American students, I do feel a little depressed.

To cook some eatable things for myself and to try to finish as much assignment as possible is my the only things on my daily schedule now.  
I really hope that I can see the progress of my improvement.

That's all.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A Wonderful Dinner with Classmates in IF Program 2008

This is a great night for me.
It's the first weekend since the class starts.
It's the first time that we have dinner together.
It's the first time I laugh so loudly after I got here.

The food is good. Thanks for Bo Hyung. 
To have such a great Korean dinner, the skill of ordering is pretty important.

When I first mention that we may have dinner together to Ryo,
I didn't know there would be almost all of us.
The contract of not speaking our own language is tough for some people, but we still communicate very very well.

Yoichi and Yoshi both took their wives tonight, and this is definitely the first time I have dinner with so many Japanese. 
I am so sorry that I forgot to tell Xiao that we have changed place and kept her waiting for so long.
Thanks for your forgiveness, Xiao!
All the others are just so incredibly kind that they just waited for us and only ordered 10 minutes before we got the restaurant.
Naoto impressed me with his singing, and Yoshi's wife is my favorite Japanese star's high school classmate! It just amazing and exciting that we can have such a great dinner together.

On my way home, I am so glad that Tian-You and Bo-Hyung can be on my car!
We talked about marriage, which is kind of a strange issue for us, but it was really an interesting conversation! 
Since Bo-Hyung is getting married and Tian-You gets a stable relationship, I am just the one who kept questioning and asking for some answers to fulfill my strong curiosity about marriage and relationships. They indeed brought me lots information and ideas, which make sense and sound useful for me.

Anyway, we talked a lot, laughed a lot, and ate a lot.
It's my pleasure to have so many great classmates during this summer and my upcoming MBA program.

I have already looked forward to drinking with Ryo and all of you!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I Got My Student ID !

今天下午下了課之後 知道Student ID已經可以領取 
就和Naoto一起去拿 上面這張就是啦
照片是現場照的 拍得不錯 整個學生證都很有質感
拿到之後可以進出圖書館了 終於 有了一個學生的身份 感覺很好
I am a student of Drucker School ! Finally!

這幾天相當忙碌 每天都馬不停蹄的感覺 今天早上終於按照計畫騎車上學
昨天也拿到汽車駕照了 各方面漸漸上了軌道 相對課業也愈來愈重 
這種感覺很好 有一點點被逼到 但是努力的方向又是我有興趣的方向
接下來的兩年肯定會很充實 我已經可以預想到了

跟同學相處非常愉快 目前認識一個韓國朋友 五個日本同學 兩個台灣同學
大家都在orientation就簽下投名狀 在學校講中文韓文日文者 必殺之
所以我們很有默契很乖巧的都講英文 即使只有兩個台灣人相處 也都講英文
大家聊天聊得都很開心 必竟都是亞洲人 彼此多少有點了解
兩個日本同學都已婚 一個三個月前結婚 有帶老婆來 
另一個的老婆還在日本工作 陪兩個很小的小孩
韓國同學的未婚妻也還在韓國 但是十二月就會過來這邊
真好呀 每個人都有老婆是怎樣
他們還問我結婚沒 我真是傻了不知道該怎樣回答
我說我連GF都沒有 而且我還很年輕呀 我說我24歲 竟然大家都一臉驚訝...
是怎樣 我看起來很老是嗎?

老師人都很好 學校環境超一流 舒服 安靜(主因是現在是summer) 設備也都很好
今天走進computer lab 看到十台白色iMac 心情只有雀躍而已 呵

新生活愈來愈緊湊 每天都有meetings 一直認識新朋友 而且大多不是台灣人

刮痕 >.<

去買了新鮮的雞蛋 但是買完東西回到停車的地方
本來想說是髒東西吧 想把它抹掉


我這麼小心的開 小心的保護它
So sad.....
你不會痛我會痛呀! 害我難過了一下

也無可奈何 只能以後更小心一點了


Monday, June 9, 2008

The Orientation of International Fellow Program

在這邊應該是交朋友啦 文化的適應啦 各方面比較困難
今天聽了聽課程的介紹 不過就是個語言課嘛

遇到了日本 韓國 中國同學
真是太心機了... 我們這種有良心的人

這些教授都很專業 對於他們的教學也很有信心
重點是 他們對於訓練國際學生都很有經驗很有耐心
感覺很好 一整天下來就覺得英文進步很多了



Sunday, June 8, 2008

主要傢俱終於到齊囉! 明天開學!

今天上午 在大家幫忙下 終於把沙發 書櫃 還有我期待已久的書桌 搬進公寓中了
有好心學姐給的電鍋 很多東西也比較方便煮啦 真是太好了
把我的Bose喇叭移到空蕩蕩的客廳 書櫃因為太大弄不進房間 就也擺在客廳 反正客廳也很空
把房子整理了一下 覺得自己真是住得太好了... 有點覺得太奢侈...

中午和大家去吃韓式料理 還不錯 好久沒吃豆腐鍋了 也是有點懷念 呵
晚上熱心的Vicky本來想讓我端午節有粽子吃 但去的店竟然肉粽賣完了
只剩下充滿花生的素粽 後來變成用控肉飯跟剉冰作為今晚的晚餐加甜點
想說端午節還是買個粽子 就買了兩顆 改天再來吃

明天就是orientation 開學日
終於 搞了兩個禮拜 把大多數事情都搞定了
也要進入新的里程碑 告訴自己要加油
錢跟時間都花了 跑了大半個地球來這邊
可不能只是學做菜跟做家事洗車之類的  >.<


Thursday, June 5, 2008

自己做的 今天的午餐

黃椒炒牛肉 蒜炒空心菜 煎干貝 一碗白飯 一碗香菇雞湯 一大片西瓜
既然閒閒沒事做 除了把一些雜事依序處理一下 中午就想好好弄頓飯
還沒有電鍋可以用 煮白飯很麻煩 
前兩天大多只吃麵 想說既然有黃椒可以炒牛肉
手上又有對面Fresh&Eat的折價券 今天就特地去買了$20讓它抵$5
結果又買了干貝 實在還是喜歡吃海鮮呀 
空心菜弄得太大支了 應該切小段一點的
牛肉炒太久有點乾 又放到涼掉才吃 除此之外 都還不錯啦

光是以前烤肉 也喜歡一直烤給別人吃 
想想我還跟嘉泰一起上過烹飪呢 哈
但是...煮飯真是費時費工 也才弄個三菜一湯 而且都是很簡單的東西
只能說當媽媽的真是不容易 四菜五菜一湯的煮 還天天要煮

自己生活 還是要磨練一下廚藝 希望可以愈來愈進步 每次學會一點
哈 開始走賢慧風!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


昨天 今天 一團亂
不停的忘東忘西 不停的搞錯 不停的做重複的事情





Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Before Sunrise, Sunset


為什麼一直沒有心情看 這幾天卻會想去看 我不知道
兩部都是悶悶的 有種打不到sweet spot的感覺的電影
對話很有意思 說深邃不深邃 說老掉牙卻又挺有新意

人都是很矛盾的 多多少少渴望著浪漫
但我卻沒太大感覺 可能我不認為一兩天可以培養出太多情感
一兩個禮拜都有人嫌太短了 何況一兩天 呵

但是 那種悸動我倒相信是有可能的
相約半年後再見面 劇中人物失敗了 
因為太多的浪漫情懷 兩人沒留下任何聯絡方式就分別
然後就錯過了 這就是有緣無份嗎

但我卻很慶幸 有了網路上的種種聯絡方式

印象最深的畫面 是Before Sunrise最後一幕
兩個人搭上不同方向的車 一個往巴黎 一個往機場
卻都在獨自坐著回憶前一晚時 露出了微笑

就像 早晨出去散步 微風吹拂臉龐時
就像 跑到日本 在築地市場一口咬下最愛的握壽司時
就像 聽到一首讓人不禁想跟著哼唱的歌曲時

因為這一幕 我寫下這篇感想