Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dodgers Stadium

Last Saturday, we went to Dodgers Stadium.  I was so happy that I can finally see a ball game in the US.  Maneul, who lived with Naoto, and his family are so kind that he bought the tickets for us, took us to have a Mexican lunch, and gave us beers before the game.  This family is just wonderful and kind.  His two kids are both cute and energetic, which made us a great day.

The sun was too strong that day.  I didn't even have a hat!  Anyway, I still enjoyed the atmosphere in the stadium, although we lost the game.  By the way, I saw 郭弘志 and he did very well.  We even got a group of Taiwanese encouraging him loudly.  I was so happy to hear that, "郭弘志 你好棒!" here.

At the end of the day, we went to Pasadena to go shopping and eating.  Thanks you Vicky!  The Japanese restaurant satisfied my Japanese classmates!  I am so proud of you. Ha!

It's good to go out with international students here.
We must go to more places to do more fun stuffs, right?
Thank you, my friends. Thanks for inviting me!!

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